October 06, 2023
The Future of Pilot Training: Emerging Technologies and Trends
The world of aviation is changing! The future of aviation has been in a spin with emerging technologies and trends. If you’re looking to commence your Diploma of Aviation – or any aviation training – it’s important that you know about these future trends and what you might learn about. Some of these technologies are a result of industrial and technological developments in other fields that transfer into aviation. Having said that, there are also aviation-specific developments that are underway or coming to light, and they’re changing the future of aviation forever. Let’s take a look at some of these emerging technologies and trends to understand the impact and implications they’re having.
What is driving the emerging technologies and trends in future aviation?
If you’re undertaking a Diploma of Aviation, Commercial Pilot Licence Training or any other pilot training or course, let’s first understand the drivers of change.
Saving Money, Making Money
The aviation sector has a number of needs and opportunities that are being fulfilled by emerging technologies and trends. That’s because aviation is known to have high costs and overheads due to compliance and running costs of aircraft and airlines. This means that if there’s any opportunity to save money, there’s an appetite for emerging technologies and trends in the future of aviation. For example, airlines are likely to desire to make running costs cheaper for airlines or introduce cost-effective measures at a consumer level.
In a similar fashion, if there’s scope to provide additional services within the aviation space, there’s an opportunity for someone to make money. This is a key driver of developments in technology and materials, for example.
Time and Convenience
Any opportunity to accelerate construction, development or delivery is attractive to the aviation industry. Emerging technologies and trends in the future of aviation are often aligned with the ability to save time. This could be in manufacturing, running an airline or aviation operation, or saving time for the end consumer.
Lifestyle has become a big driver of change, and the COVID-19 epidemic seems to have accelerated technological development. For example, developments in private aircraft make aircraft and systems more available and attractive. We’ll touch on some great examples like this shortly.
Safety and Security
Safety and security is a big topic in aviation. That’s because there are inherent risks involved. These risks include the ability to easily cross state, territory and international borders through aviation means. Any opportunity to increase or improve safety in aviation is an opportunity to improve the future of aviation.
What are the major emerging technologies and trends shaping the future of aviation?
Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Aviation
Artificial intelligence (AI) has made leaps and bounds in recent years. More specifically, it is becoming much more widespread and available for everyday use. These developments have even shocked the likes of IT and automation giants, such as Google and Meta. That being said, where does AI fit in aviation? AI and computer-based software have already replaced a number of engineers and crew that formally sat in commercial aircraft.
We are already seeing AI in use through avionics, such as airspace positioning recognition combined with geographic and terrain recognition that is paired with computerised flight inputs or warnings. We haven’t yet mastered driverless vehicles, but we’re close. That means there’s every chance that you’ll see this across aircraft, even at a commercial level, within your lifetime.
In a similar fashion, we are also seeing robotics and automation increasing throughout aviation. This is through AI and also AIoT/IoT (artificial intelligence of things). Not only that, there is more automation coming. Baggage handling, aircraft manufacturing and aircraft maintenance are all areas where employment costs and human error are evident, in which case AI and robotic automation potential exists.
Drones and eVTOL Technology
Radio-controlled drones, such as the DJI range, have changed the aviation sector in a big way. There has been significant development and evolution in the areas of accurate GPS tracking, flight software, electric engines and camera safety management that transposes into private and commercial aviation. For example, this technology is being used directly in drones designed for private aircraft use.
Over the next 10 years, man-made drones and eVTOL Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing) will possibly be the most significant emerging technology and trend in the aviation industry. Single and two-person drones are quickly being developed for commercial and private use beyond the existing military applications, and major influences like the FAA in America are proactively embracing the change. Imagine rolling out your own eVTOL aircraft from home instead of sitting in traffic. We told you the future of aviation was changing!
Internet and Connectivity
Internet and connectivity aren’t particularly new, but it’s constantly being re-discovered for use in new ways. Commercially, connectivity is largely required for consumer comfort and expectations. That being said, it’s also important for security, too. Similarly, behind the scenes of aviation is aircraft tracking and traffic management in airspace which is becoming busier and more complex. Aircraft connectivity and tracking is an area where technologies and trends are shaping the future of aviation. ADS-B in and out is a fundamental example of this, where more aircraft can see other aircraft within their instruments. This helps pilots, but the same technology is assisting control towers to improve the safety and separation of aircraft.
Alternative Fuels & Materials
All transport, energy and manufacturing industries chase alternative energy sources and ma, shaping the future of aviation. The most significant change here is that hybrid and electric aircraft are becoming more common, and materials are becoming faster, stronger or lighter. These emerging technologies are likely to be seen at a smaller scale first, such as private aircraft. As the technology continues to develop and these resources become more available, we’ll also see more alternative resources used in commercial aircraft.
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality and augmented reality have a plethora of applications. Flight simulators have been used in aviation for decades, however, you can now fly aircraft with extremely accurate controls and responses in virtual worlds that simulate amazingly accurate conditions. Plus, you don’t have the same fuel and maintenance running costs. This means you can familiarise yourself with almost any aircraft, in almost any country, and almost any meteorological conditions. What’s the outcome, you ask? Better pilots with more training and experience!
Security and Biometrics
Security and biometrics have created significant safety developments, and more emerging technologies are on the horizon. Facial recognition, fingerprint recognition and biometric forms of identification mean that in airports and aircraft, we have significant leaps in safety. At a lower level is encryption of data transactions, which prevents hacking of data – either personal or aircraft data – which is becoming increasingly risky as connectivity develops.
Are you ready to join the evolving world of aviation?
Chat with one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to https://drift.me/learntofly/meeting to book a meeting and school tour.
What Else Should I Know?
We’ve compiled a few useful posts that might help you out. Where ever you are on your aviation journey, the team at Learn To Fly Melbourne are here to help. We want you to pass your exams and have an excellent career, so please reach out if we can help support you through your course and studies!
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